Our free wheeling, go when and where we want, when we want, has changed. We have an appointment in Red Bay Alabama May 13th. We are having trouble with one of our slides and were going to the hometown of the manufacturer to have it repaired. So now were killing time, trying to reach our destination on time but not to soon.
It's been raining everywhere we go since we left Arizona and started heading west, we have some days that we don't get drenched but it's been very wet and stormy, hmm it's those spring showers?
We left Little Rock and arrived in Mississippi May 9, 2019. The rivers are rising to flood levels. |
Oh the mighty Mississippi. |
Were staying at John W Kyle State Park in South Sardis, MS. It rained all 4 days we were here. |
This is the dam up the road from the lake were on. |
It's sort of creepy standing by such a mighty force and the noise is crazy loud. |
We arrived in Red Bay a small town where they make the Tiffen Motor homes. We toured the plant which was really cool. Just about everything in this town is connected to the motor-home industry. Everywhere you go are motor homes in parking lots, on the road and people eating, hanging out and camping all over town. It's very cool, the people are so friendly and laid back.
Who would have thought we would find a Frank Lloyd Wright Rosenbaum House in the area. Designed in 1939 for a mere $14,000, the Rosenbaum House has been called one of the purest examples of Wright's Usonian design. The house was deeded to the City of Florence in 1999 and restored to its original condition. |
It reminds me of the Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, Michigan. |
Finally we have a sunny day to try out our 2 man inflatable kayak. It's great. Were in LaVergne Tennessee outside of Nashville. |
Finally a lake I'm not afraid to go into. |
Were getting closer to home, I'm excited but it feels like our adventures are ending. |
The C.O.E. Knobs Campground. Just like the national parks the Corp of Engineer parks are 50% off for seniors. |
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