We spent 3 wonderful days in the park. Our weather was perfect, sunny and temperatures reaching into the 80's. |
There are lots of 4 wheel drive only roads in the park.
Gilberto Luna lived in this "jacal" with his large family
until 1947 when he died at the age of 108.
This is the beginning of the trail through the canyon.
The Rio Grande River, on the right Texas, on the left Mexico.
A view from the trail looking down to the Rio Grande River, notice how small the people are, they are standing in Texas,
Mexico is on the right side of the river.
Were moving further into the canyon.
We walked up and then down to the canyon floor.
Were on our way back from the canyon and still pretty high up.
Were parked to take a trail down to a place called Hot Springs.
We weren't sure what to expect.
The path to Hot Springs.
We weren't expecting actual hot springs, this water was 103 degrees. The water flowed over the edge into the Rio Grande River. Look right behind the lady in the blue swimsuit.
We got into the springs too.
Today was valentine's day and we were sitting along the Rio Grande river enjoying some tequila. Out of the brush from Mexico comes a burro with two men crossing the river into Texas, that's how easy it is to enter without going thru customs.
This is the Boquillas Port of Entry within Big Bend Park, where people legally enter Texas.
Deck spotted a wild boar roaming in the brush while driving.
Once again we were enjoying a view of the Rio Grande river.
Two people are crossing back into Mexico in a canoe.
There was a group partying just up from the rivers edge in Mexico we could hear loud music and laughter.
This is a view looking to the right.
A spot in the park with wild donkey's.
There were a lot of wild flowers blooming, this was amazing to see. Just around the corner to the right over this bridge were the burro's.